Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Scarlet Milkweed Devoured

These stems used to be one of my scarlet milkweed plants.  Seeing the plants like this makes me nervous that we won't be able to feed all the caterpillars.  I hate to say it, but I think we are going to have to let mother nature take it's course since I don't have enough plants for all the babies. 

We put down more seeds in hopes that this will help accommodate the extra activity.   Isabel and I will also be planting some seeds in her friends gardens so the Monarchs can visit them too.Our activity in the garden has increased a lot since the end of April.  Every time I see a butterfly in the garden I am happy and sad all at once. 

My plants need time to recover!

1 comment:

  1. This is an impressive undertaking...stick with it!!

    Aunt Patty


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