Thursday, June 19, 2014

Butterfly Palooza!!!

We have been watching Fritillaries and Longwings fly all over the garden for the past month, but could never find any in chrysalis.  I moved one of our plants just in case lizards were eating our cats and soon after that we noticed all of these ...  We have about six chrysalides on the plant and you can see in the pictures that one fritillary cat is in a J.  Click on the bottom picture to see all chrysalides, we marked them with a C.

Most of the chrysalides are longwings which is a change from last year when they were  mostly fritillary.  We can't wait to see the longwings emerge since we have never seen it.

In addition to these, we have a few chrysalides in our glass aquarium and one monarch that just hatched today. Check out our next post for some more cool info.

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